Craft, Fair, Farce. (2024)
These Words as defined in the dictionary:
- (noun)
- skill or ability, esp in handiwork
- skill in deception and trickery; guile; cunning
- an occupation or trade requiring special skill, esp manual dexterity
- a single vessel, aircraft, or spacecraft
- (noun)
- a travelling entertainment with sideshows, rides, etc, esp one that visits places at the same time each year
- a gathering of producers of and dealers in a given class of products to facilitate business
- an event including amusements and the sale of goods, esp for a charity; bazaar
- a regular assembly at a specific place for the sale of goods, esp livestock
- archaic.a person or thing that is beautiful or valuable, esp a woman
- (adjective)
- ree from discrimination, dishonesty, etc; just; impartial
- moderately or quite good
- sunny, fine, or cloudless
- apparently good or valuable, but really false
- pleasant or courteous
- (noun)
- a broadly humorous play based on the exploitation of improbable situations
- the genre of comedy represented by works of this kind
- a ludicrous situation or action
Submit a game!
The game title does not count towards your 280 character limit so you can call your game what you like. Try not to extend the game into the title though, it is not really in the spirit of the jam. Your game should playable just from the 280 chars.
The name and link to your social media or website will be publicly visible on the webpage so if you don't want that then just leave the box blank. We can not however post entries that are entirely anonomous.