Craft, Fair, Farce. (2024)
These Words as defined in the dictionary:
- (noun)
- skill or ability, esp in handiwork
- skill in deception and trickery; guile; cunning
- an occupation or trade requiring special skill, esp manual dexterity
- a single vessel, aircraft, or spacecraft
- (noun)
- a travelling entertainment with sideshows, rides, etc, esp one that visits places at the same time each year
- a gathering of producers of and dealers in a given class of products to facilitate business
- an event including amusements and the sale of goods, esp for a charity; bazaar
- a regular assembly at a specific place for the sale of goods, esp livestock
- archaic.a person or thing that is beautiful or valuable, esp a woman
- (adjective)
- ree from discrimination, dishonesty, etc; just; impartial
- moderately or quite good
- sunny, fine, or cloudless
- apparently good or valuable, but really false
- pleasant or courteous
- (noun)
- a broadly humorous play based on the exploitation of improbable situations
- the genre of comedy represented by works of this kind
- a ludicrous situation or action
A Murder AboardMarket of the Dead
Sharks, Would I lie to you
Absurdity & Old Lace
This Year, Let's Have A Good, Clean Race For Once
The Turkey Trail
a free exchange of mirth
Chequered Spells
An Ordinary Bench From Which To Admire It
Skate or DIY
Onmyōji Parade
Does This Count